Transform ideas into laws
Transform ideas into laws
Boreal es una plataforma que promueve la creación y firma de Iniciativas Legislativas Populares (ILP)
en todos los niveles, desde el local hasta el europeo.

What is an ILP?
The Popular Legislative Initiative is the only democratic mechanism in Spain that allows citizens to propose laws to be voted directly in Parliament
Pero nunca ha sido un proceso fácil ... Una ILP tiene que pasar 3 fases antes de ser votada.
But it's never been an easy process... An ILP has to go through 3 phases before being voted on. Boreal aims to facilitate this process by offering services in each of them.
Se han presentado 132 ILPs hasta 2025
Solo 88 han sido admitidas
IA generativa para redactar un texto legislativo en base al reglamento existente,y a las ILPs que han logrado la admisión (en desarrollo). Además, asesoramiento jurídico en caso necesario.
De las 88, solo 19 lograron las 500.000 firmas en 9 meses para ser votadas
Sistema para pedir hojas de firmas, o firmar con certificado digital, gestionando impresión, envío y recepción, almacenaje, y toda la burocracia con la Administración (en desarrollo).
Solo 5 se aprobaron, algunas incluidas en otras leyes o con modificaciones.
Asesoramiento en el diálogo con los grupos políticos para la aprobación.
We host ILPs of any area
The phases are the same, but with different requirements.

The necessary signatures are the equivalent of 1% of the city's census to be submitted in 3 months, usually. In Madrid it would be 30,000 signatures.
The necessary signatures are the equivalent of 1% of the city's census to be submitted in 3 months, usually. In Madrid it would be 30,000 signatures.

The necessary signatures are the equivalent of 1% of the city's census to be submitted in 3 months, usually. In Madrid it would be 30,000 signatures.
The necessary signatures vary from 0.6% of the census in the Region of Murcia to 4% in Extremadura. In the Community of Madrid it is 0.7%, that is, 50,000 signatures.

The necessary signatures are the equivalent of 1% of the city's census to be submitted in 3 months, usually. In Madrid it would be 30,000 signatures.
The necessary signatures are the equivalent of 1.5% of the census, or 500,000 signatures, to be submitted in 9 months.

The necessary signatures are the equivalent of 1% of the city's census to be submitted in 3 months, usually. In Madrid it would be 30,000 signatures.
1,000,000 signatures are needed and a minimum threshold must be reached in at least 7 EU countries, to be submitted within a 12-month period. However, signatures can be given through the EU's central online collection system.
From start to finish
From the first idea of change, to being able to collect signatures after accepting the legislative text. All with the help of AI, and an innovative system for signing and collecting signatures that we are developing
