From an idea to
an ILP

Designed to seek solutions to problems with dialogue, covering needs not met by other platforms.

Unsuitable means

Twitter reduces dialogue to the character limit, and hate is unstoppable. Instagram only prioritizes emotionally compelling content.

Live audio

Live audio is ideal for exposing contexts in an in-depth analysis of a topic, encourages greater participation than video and shares many communicative nuances.

Biased algorithms

Algorithms, designed to maximize engagement, generate biases and polarization. Users are only shown content that generates interaction.

Algorithms influenced by tokens

In a debate, constructive interventions can be rewarded with tokens. These tokens influence the feed's algorithms, making visible the people who accumulate the most. This method enhances problem solving and facilitates depolarization by making all contributions visible.

User interface of the Boreal app showing the number of followers and likes on a user's profile.
Visible followers

The weight of the following in the algorithm overdimensions the voice of media characters who often fuel hoaxes or incomplete truths.

Hidden followers

Removing followers from algorithms makes visibility dependent on the quality of contributions, not on popularity.

Limited organic growth

Nowadays, social media users rarely grow organically without a post that goes viral.

Naturavv Organic Growth

To ensure organic growth, tokens are reset monthly. This encourages continued activity, no matter when you signed up.

Our vision is based on AI

From a conversation to an idea

An AI Assistant would enhance conversations by analyzing the sentiment of the conversations, potential ideas for change and drawing conclusions for next steps.

From idea to tangible solution

Following an idea, AI would propose a practical solution to each idea according to current regulations, and potential impact.

From solution to ILP

A Generative AI will convert solutions into ILPs, drafted in legal terms to be accepted for processing by the Congress Bureau and to move on to the signature collection phase.

Why a social network to change laws?

It is the space for public debate par excellence, and current dynamics can be channeled into a proactive approach
With its audio technology, Boreal aligns with podcasts, today's preferred medium for information
The social environment encourages the generation of ideas thanks to the intrinsic recognition of others
Changing laws from the couch in your house is simply incredible

First impressions

“Boreal is a really different social network. With what little I have tried, I can already say that I was hooked on your proposal. I hope they will launch it on the market soon”

Beatriz D.

Beta Tester

“In the end, I think that Boreal intends to return democratic power to the people, which is where it really belongs and should never have left.
It is an ambition worthy of admiration”

Juan Luis T.

Beta Tester

“I'm a programmer, and I'm passionate about technology. The simple fact of innovating within such a consolidated sector already seems meritorious to me. At the core of our behavior on social networks are algorithms, and here is a very interesting radical change. I can't wait to see how your system Tokens will be developed when the beta opens.”

Carlos D.

Beta Tester

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