The ILP is the future
Democracy should not just be about voting every 4 years and waiting for the promises of the current party to be fulfilled. People need real tools to create or modify laws that solve problems that politicians aren't solving, and the most effective one already exists:
the Popular Legislative Initiative (ILP).
The problem is that it's a mess. We know this well, because we have collected +700,000 PAPER signatures for the ILP for the Regularization of Foreign Persons, and the experience made it clear to us that this is the future, but it has to change.
Today, the ILP has 2 major challenges:
Organic laws, management of the General State Budgets, or taxation are beyond their reach.
Spain requires 1.5% of the population (Portugal 0.3%). Not only that, but the signature must be written or with a digital certificate. No other digital signature is accepted.

But the future is already here. With the help of AI, we can simplify the drafting of proposals and leave the technical details in the hands of the experts. In addition, our system allows you to sign with your digital certificate or with pen and paper to return the signature to any post office box.
Why do we do this?
It's a fact that people no longer trust politicians to solve their problems. The waste is great and the percentage of abstention in elections is increasing. Even so, we believe that changes in laws generate the most effective solutions to problems, which is why the legislative role of politicians is essential to preserve the proper functioning of society.
However, the solutions that people want are not able to be voted on in Congress and materialized in laws, since the electoral interests of each party prevent it. That's why the only way for the solutions we want to be voted on is to propose the laws we want ourselves, and that's done with Popular Legislative Initiatives.
Boreal does not pursue the utopia of self-government, it simply seeks to perfect the system with higher levels of participation, in line with the objective of the Constitution: “to establish an advanced democratic society”.
Why now?
People are much more connected and informed than they were 40 years ago.
The relationship between politicians and people is broken. We must fill that gap caused by a crisis of trust never seen before.
The world changes very quickly, and we need a more liquid system that evolves with it.